ASAP Tools: Advanced
FTP Password Recovery
any FTP client password.
Emulates the FTP server
that accepts FTP connections and reveals
passwords stored in FTP software
which is trying to connect to it.
Advanced FTP
Password RecoveryHave
you ever faced the problem of
forgotten passwords? The unexpected
"enter password" window prompts a
secret characters combination that is
required to connect to the server.
You have stored the password in your FTP
client software, but it is can not be
viewed because it is hidden by asterisks
(*****) What is even worse is that if you
don't remember this combination. Advanced
FTP Password Recovery tool is intended
to help you with that problem. Using this
tool you always recover the password for
any FTP client which is stores your
Advanced FTP Password
Recovery tool description
When you login to
the FTP server, your FTP client has
to submit login information
(including the password) to the server.
Advanced FTP Password Recovery tool
emulates the FTP server and intercept the
login and password information and
display it.
Recovered password is displayed in program list
and also in FTP client session. It
is a useful and universal password
recovery tool for FTP accounts.
Advanced FTP password recovery can
recover passwords for all FTP clients
including SmartFTP, FTP Voyager, Total
Commander, CuteFTP, AceFTP, CoffeeCup FTP,
Core FTP, SecureFX, WS_FTP, FileZilla,
FlashFXP, Core FTP, FTP Explorer, FTPRush,
Website Publisher, Bulletproof FTP, LeechFTP,
WSFTTP, FTP Navigator (old name for FTP
Commander) FTP Express and others. To
recover passwords for those software, you
can use one of FTP client, that holds the
saved password, and connect to Advanced FTP
Password Recovery, which will then reveal
the password it receives from the FTP
client program. The program can only recover
the passwords that are stored by FTP client.
Advanced FTP Password Recovery, the key features:
All FTP clients support
Running under Windows 95, 98, Me, 2000, XP,
2003, Vista
Shows passwords hidden under asterisks under
FTP client session
Stores recovered passwords in a list where
you can specify the host name of FTP server
Full FTP server emulation on specified port
Multiple login / password recovery support
Saves reports to a file
Universal FTP Password Recovery tool was
tested and known as:
WS FTP password
decrypter, CuteFTP password recovery
tool, FileZilla FTP password cracker,
Bulletproof FTP password interceptor, FTP
Explorer password decoder, Core FTP password
sniffer, FTP Voyager password ripper, FTP
Commander account hacker, CoffeeCup FTP
password finder, it was tested with TurboFTP,
FFFTP, FTPExplorer, FreeGate, UltraFXP,
FTPRush, SecureFX, BulletProof, FTP Express,
FAR Manager, Windows Commander, Total
Commander, Website Publisher FTP clients and
can be used to recover passwords for other
clients software.
Advanced FTP Password Recovery screenshots

Settings tab contains the main settings,
start/stop controls and startup

Recovered Passwords tab - displaying
recovered Login and Password for FTP
There is also the time stamp available which
you can fill with another information.
Additional information for Advanced FTP
Password Recovery:
If you have any comments, suggestions or
ideas on improving our software, please let
us know. Your feedback is important for us
in order to get an idea of how to make our
Software better for you. We really
appreciate your comments and feedbacks. If
you have any problem or question, feature
request or inquiries, do not hesitate to our
support team. Just send us email, and we'll
get back to you as soon as possible.
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